Demineralized Water

What is DM Water

Demineralized water is water that has been treated to remove most of its mineral content as a result of distillation, deionization, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, or another water purification technology. Demineralized water is exactly as it sounds, it is water that has been treated to remove all (or most of) various mineral impurities.

How Is Water Demineralized?

There are various methods to demineralize water. Demineralized water has its mineral content removed, and the most common methods to demineralize water are via distillation or reverse osmosis (RO). Depending on the technology used to achieve the DM water, the number of dissolved solids in water that has been demineralized can reach below 10ppm, and the electrical conductivity can be less than 2mS/m.

Industrial uses of Demineralized water –

Power Industries
Demineralized water is specially used for applications requiring higher levels of water purity, such as feed or makeup water for high-pressure boilers or process streams used in electronics manufacture, for example, refinery; Pressure boilers; this includes the Boiler feed water and stem generation.
Petro Chemical
Demineralization can also treat cooling tower blowdowns (which can also apply to other industries mentioned).
Beverage Industry
The Use of demineralized water in sanitizing containers and equipment before and during production to avoid contamination.
Production of drugs and suspensions to control product quality and safety. Demineralized water is used in manufacturing pharmaceutical products and cosmetics in the above order.
Automotive Car Batteries
Car batteries today aren't like they used to be most of them don't require as much maintenance, and some don't even have caps that allow you to add water to the cells. Newer batteries come with extra electrolytes above the plates to compensate for any battery life losses. If your battery does have detachable caps, then you may need to add distilled or demineralized water from time to time. If a battery is charged for too long or at an excessively high voltage, some of the water in the electrolyte breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen gases. These gases escape from the cells, and this is called gassing. If the electrolyte liquid level drops too low, the plates are exposed to air and will lose capacity and be damaged. Any impurities or additives in the water will reduce the life and performance of the battery. That's why manufacturers recommend using demineralized water, which doesn't have high levels of minerals like potable tap water.